Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Review: Sony's Lil Mighty XZ2 Compact

It has been about 3 months since I've started using this phone. My apologies for taking longer than expected, but as promised, I'll give my deeper impression on XZ2 Compact. If you haven't read my unboxing and first thoughts, click here.

Let's go in to details on performance-wise:

1. Battery-Life

I've previously mentioned that I had overheating problems for my Xperia X. At first, there were some overheating but overtime it stops. It seems Sony has heard the voices of their customers and managed to solve this issue. Phew, super relieved they did. I knew I shouldn't give up hope on Sony yet.
The battery life could last roughly 1-2 days. If you're using it heavily(WI-FI, streaming, video, recording). please don't think it will last for 24 hr without any charge. Oh! But do note they have this 'Stamina Mode' which acts like a battery saver. If you're running low on battery, you can switch to Stamina Mode which will give you minimum access with lower light resolution and shut apps that are eating away too much energy.

2. Camera

I've always been a fan of Sony's camera and they sure killed it with their 4K video recording. Or maybe it was my first time using a 4K recording, but I was blown away by the quality and how close to real life it looks like!! On top of that, there's no overheating issues while recording!! YASS. First few tries you might experience it, but after awhile, it just goes away. Someone please give a pat on Sony's back.
For photo qualities(all unfiltered), you can judge for yourself:

 Main Camera Indoor(Left) and Outdoor(Right)

Selfie Camera

Main Camera - Night Shot @ 8.40PM

3. Speaker

They have dual speakers - one at each end - on the front side, that's suppose to give the surround-experience. For the compact, they didn't have the unique vibration feature like its big brother, XZ2 has, but I don't think its a need. Its cool, but nah.
The sound is clear with a decent bass(which could be adjusted), and it can get quite loud, depending on what video/sound format you're listening to. Call quality is pretty decent. Nothing too fancy or to brag about.
Overall, its just a not too good and not too bad experience.

4. Experience on Android 8.0 

I've read that Sony was the first few that got their hands on Android Oreo. Well as expected of the latest android update, it's fast and almost lag-less but I can't really tell the difference from the previous version. The only obvious difference will be the theme. They kinda changed the feel of it overall with better animations and organised 'Settings' page.  Why I said 'almost lag-less' was because to be honest, I did experience lag but its really case by case. It's either you're running a very hard-core app with other multiple apps or it may be the phone itself(which I highly doubt so).

5. Waterproof

Look, I'm not going to be like those daredevils who purposely submerge their phones in the toilet bowls because 1) ewwwww and 2) I don't have the habit of bringing my phone to where there are pools of water. I've used it with a few rain drops on my phone and its totally fine(of course) so yeahh...
If you want to test and plunge into the sea, be my guest. I'm not going to risk my self-paid phone. 

Sorry that I can't help much on gaming performance because I don't play games on phone that much. But with the phone running on Android 8.0, it should pose no problem to run high-end games.

Overall Verdict

To summarise, so far so good. I have no complaints on our lil guy here; with perhaps just a few lag sessions once in a while but not enough to bring down the whole performance. The biggest improvement I've seen on Sony's phone will be the overheating issues. I'm really grateful they fixed the problem. Hopefully, the phone can last longer than 2 years because - did I mention? - I hate changing phones.  

If you feel or are curious about other details that I've missed, feel free to leave your comments below and I'll try to reply to my best of knowledge. 

Thanks for dropping by! 

Why Being Looked Down Upon Is Actually A Good Thing

Pride and dignity are humans' main self-identity. Its unfair to be criticised just because of your colour or race that you can't change, or because of your education status without knowing the full story behind it. And for us that are constantly given the 'look' and the 'tsk' like we're some kind of pests, can really be demoralising and unfortunately - suicidal.

But in every darkness, there's light. Light can only shine when there's darkness. Don't feel bad for your existence just because everyone says so. Open your eyes and study at the life's of those who didn't complete their college/university and went their way to start their own business like Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Jan Koum and Michael Dell.
Its people like them that are making historians rewrite histories and leaving legendary legacies behind.

No pressure, No stress

When people looked down on you, they're already thinking the worst of you and genuinely not expecting anything from you. They don't see you playing any important role in the society so they pretty much left you "off the hook". I sincerely think that's the best position to be at, especially if you're not good working under pressure. The less focus and expectation they have on you, the better you perform. Imagine how peaceful your life would be without being at the centre of attention?!
Sound like a lifelong plan to me.

Time to plan your own comeback

When people are continuously focusing on what you lack, they don't see the priceless gem that you already possess. Everyone has a at least something that they're good at or that they like. Be careful not to believe in their insults, and focus on what you're good at.  Improve and stealthily work on it so one day you'll surprise the heck of them. Nothing like a mastermind behind their backs. Believe me, no matter how much you think you're a failure as a human being, you're not. Just being born as a human has grant us the ability to own and nurture a talent. What makes us stand out is - knowledge and the power to decide, after all.

Maintaining humility at all times

I always believe humility is THE key to success. I can't stress enough on this. When you're on the high road, and everyone is constantly praising you and you're being admired at every angle, its really hard to keep your cool shades on. Do not underestimate arrogance because it'll have a great (negative)impact on you once you let a little of it get to your head. How many people have you seen in the biz world that lost everything that they've build just because they were too arrogant and proud of themselves? When people don't even start acknowledging you, nothing will get to your head. Its relatively much more easier for you to be calm and humble at all times. You should always believe there's room to learn and better yourselves and that they're numerous people out there that's better than you.

"Fool Those Who Think You're A Fool"

It may sound like you're deceiving them but in every workplace you have to be a lil cunning so they won't mess with your dignity. They look down on you not because you don't have the skills or talent, they just don't see your good points. EVERY human has a good quality to them - it's just a question of whether you know it or not. So smile when they make a fool of you - while all they do is talk garbage and wasting their own time - because you know you have the upper hand and you're just on a journey to better yourself.

With that all being said, it's definitely not easy to stay positive when the people around you don't give the respect that you deserve. Despite that, stay positive, have a clear goal in mind and imagine your successful future self. Its not self-deception, it's to motivate yourself and beat the negative surroundings. If you can, get away from those people. If you're in a workplace that can't recognise your good qualities, quit and move on to another company that will appreciate your existence. Or if you still can't, dare to be an entrepreneur. Feel like what it is to be your own boss.

EXTRA: Don't Be Taken Advantage Of

Despite the way they treat you, you're still holding yourself together and smiling like it doesn't bother you, they might take advantage of you. So be wise with how you deal with people. Indeed- be nice to them, give the respect they deserve even though they don't do the same, but keep your distance. You do not want to be in the same loop as them.

I hope this post will serve as an encouragement for you to keep on finding and improving yourselves. Remember - no one is completely hopeless. You just have yet to give yourself the chance that you truly need.