Wednesday, January 30, 2019

TTD Eye Review - Polar Lights Brown

I first got to know about TTDEYE when youtube recommended me a video review on their lenses.

This got me pretty interested since I was looking into buying a new pair of contacts anyway. Usually I would've ignored such video because I'm a loyal fan of K's Magic, but I don't know what came over me, I decided to just click on it.

I forgot what's the youtuber's name, but when she demonstrated the lenses on her dark brown eyes(like every other Asian has), O.M.G - it was breath-taking. The colours were so natural and looked so good on her medium skin tone. I knew right then I was sold. I went to check out their website, but to only found out I'll have to order online and wait for 2 weeks(!!) for the lenses to reach Singapore. I mean, that's a really long wait and I don't know if I want to wait that long...(By the way, the lenses are being shipped from the Netherlands.) But I really wanted to try those lenses and I don't really need it asap, so I decided to just get it.

Before you guys go straight to their website, here's a #tip. Go to any youtuber or blogger who's advertising for their lenses and search for their discount code. Usually beauty/cosmetic products will have influencers to endorse for them and there'll ALWAYS be a discount. I mean, who doesn't like discounts, right?

So off I went to buy the lenses after getting the discount code. I chose their Polar Lights series. I think this series is the most appealing out of their collection because it look so damn gorgeous!
1 pair cost me $35USD(excluding discount code). When I reached their checkout page, I was surprised that it was FREE SHIPPING! OMG, happy little girl here~

2 Weeks Later...

 Finally received! via Singpost registered mail
When I first saw the box, my first reaction was "Huh? Why so big one?" I mean, I did buy 1 pair of lenses and not ten of them...I was feeling a bit paranoid but was up for a pleasant surprise when I opened the box...

Like what??!!!!! I was screaming with joy when I saw what's inside. What's with all the free gifts?? And you know what's funny? There's so much free gifts that I couldn't find my box of lenses at first!! I almost got a panic attack. I mean, just think about it. Sure there's a lot of gifts, but what's the point if the main character-the one you actually paid for- is missing right?
Hand mirror, eye glitter, temporary tattoo, piggy, small glittery star hair clip - All. For. Free.

 Not forgetting their casing. How generous!!
They even provided an instruction manual. 
Finally, we're on to our main character. Packaging is an absolute party-goer. 
Polar Lights - Brown
I know what you're all thinking, "Woah, so light??" RIGHT. I know how you guys feel. But the colour is super gorgeous when that youtuber tried on her eyes. I'm actually quite sceptical whether the colour will be visible with my dark brown eyes. SO, let me show you guys expectation vs reality. 



Now, that's a really pigmented yet natural-looking lenses! I'm very pleased with it. It felt so comfortable to wear and how the lenses just made my dark brown eyes turn that light is AH-MAZING. In the picture, it may look grey, but its actually in between green and hazel. Its so unique.

If you take good care of these lenses, it should be able to last for a year. Its really affordable and worth the wait. I totally, highly recommend this. I hope you guys would not regret buying this and have a new gorgeous you.