Friday, December 17, 2021

The book that left me traumatised: 'The Kingdom' by Fuminori Nakamura(no spoiler book review)

Unless you have lost your sanity or already a fan of Fuminori Nakamura, 
DO NOT READ THIS BOOK IN PUBLIC (you've been warned)

So, basically this book is R19 with the usual high sexual contents, violence and darkness. and when I mentioned 'darkness', oh its going to make you lose some screws. 

I'm a person who doesn't believe in happy endings and loves tragedy and dark psychological themes
but oh boy, I've never come across a book without any sort of graphics/illustrations that made me imagine things I do not want and feel like puking at every few paragraphs. You do not how many times I had to stop to catch my breath or how I wish I can skip to the next chapter because my mind has been tainted by the ugliness of human beings. For starters, this book is entirely fictional, but the author wrote in so much details that I sometimes forget that it is. Heck, I would've believed if someone were to tell me it was based on a true story. 

The main character, went through a lot-like a typical tragedy story- she keeps on losing but somehow still have the strength in her to keep on living.  But the other characters, mostly the men posing as the 'evil ones', that's when the fury and vomit just wants to be spitted out. The way the author writes about the MC's psychological and biological state is so refined that it keeps you in suspense and at times confused. At the end though, you'll definitely go 'huh?' 'wait, but why?'. It was like all hardcore but then it suddenly mellowed down which honestly left me baffled.

 Phew, you can probably tell how deep I got myself into the book. Its disgusting, its perplexing, but it'll make you want to read it till the very end. Just make sure you pull yourself out of the book at every few paragraphs and not to be influenced too much because I swear, the author has every intention to introduce to the underworld that you've never known and make you change your perception of reality.
But other than that, have a great time reading it. Its appalling but appealing at the same time. 

Rating: 8.5/10