Saturday, January 25, 2014

4FINGERS - Korean Chicken Paradise & Meet Up


Today my dongsaeng(junior), gave me a belated birthday treat @ 4Fingers! Its my first time there. When she told me they serve mainly chicken my eyes went: *-* HAHA

Chicken Burger with Seaweed fries

6 Pieces mix(Hot/Soy Garlic) with Kimchi Fries

Received a free red packet from 4Fingers! HAHA, that horse with that drusmtick! Epic muchXD

To be real honest, the seaweed fries taste like the seaweed shaker fries from MacDonalds. BUT the difference is that the fries and chicken are not that oily at all! There's hardly trace of excessive oil. The chicken with the *HOT* flavour, is not that spicy at all(to me). I love spicy food so my expectations will be quite high. The chicken doesn't taste bad at all and if I were to rate it out of 10, I will give 8/10. The price for a meal starts from $9 onwards. Its actually worth the money cux the serving was quite abundant. 

The Person responsible for treating me such an awesome meal today, Amii~~ 
Thank you shoo much :*


OUTFIT OF THE DAY~(Bought the top from U.S Blogshop ) 

HAHA, trying to imitate me dongsaengie?XP

Awww~Lookie, dongsaengie bought for me a mini birthday cake and told me to make a wish with a candle. 
TOO BAD, threw that candle awayXP \
I even forgot to make a wish cux I was busy eating it. (Miane Amii><)

Then after , went to have a short meet up with Tim~~HAHA both of else always end up looking for make up and anything related to beauty and fashion^~^

Sooooo, that's how my day ended. Whew, I'm beat!(even though it wasn't a long day at all) Gonna continue watching my anime, Tokyo Ravens and Noragami~!!! WHOHOOO. 

マッタね ! Stay tune to my next post ;)

Friday, January 24, 2014

Happy M18 to MEEEE!!! XD


Hello, 안녕! こんにちは!

Today's birthday girl is meeeeeeeee!!!! Wheee~~~ I'm finally 18!!! A perfect age that no one wants to be younger or older. Sigh. If only I can stay 18 forever. Heehee.  What did I do on this gloriouuss day??

Errrr, filmed dance covers? HEH. Yeah yeah, its nothing special but then again I always did nothing special every year on my birthday. So, this year is still considered special. SO YUPP, took dance covers and a mini photoshoot session~



With Mom Idah~~ 

With le photographer, Mom Xinni! Thanks for the awesome pics! XD 

Big thanks to these two people for helping me film my dance covers and make a mini-photoshoot session possible. Heee^~^


Can I get a commercial for hair products? HAHA

OKAYYY. I was being stupid and doing dumb stuff and Mom Idah is obviously ignoring me. LOLOL. 

BTW: That red thingy is a hair extension. DUH. 

Xinni(the photographer) claimed I was giving fan service to her. LOL. I was actually doing random dance, but I happened to do that. LOLOL. 

PURELY Candid. 

Surpirse me is surprise cux I didn't realise Xinni  was taking photos of me without me knowing. LOL.

PURELY Candid (2).

I can totally film a CF right right right??? Contact me now for commercial use! LOL. KIDDING!!

OKAY. SO HERE IT GOES: I wanna thank to those people - acquaintances, friends, and mom - awesome people who wished me a happy birthday. THANK YOU ALL!! I would definitely remember all your wishes and as I grow older, I would become a better person in future. I don't wish to change - I wish to become a person who's proud of herself ; and hopefully people will be proud of me too. XD Like I said before, I only love people who loves me back. No matter who you are, if you love me that means you have acknowledge me in your life, and I'll do the same to you(^^)  
I don't hope to be famous, I'm just a person who loves sharing her experiences and hobby. 
And I follow a simple motto I've made for myself : "Live for what you love, not being controlled by anyone/anything." 

OH! ANDDD, my new dance cover is uupppppp~!! Come and watch it! :3
                                              U-KISS Fall In Love + Alone Dance Cover

Once again, thank you. Good night!