Tuesday, January 21, 2014

New Hairstyle for 18th Birthday

SO, Heya!!

My first post of 2014! YAYY!! hehehe. Okaayyy, someone's birthday is coomiiinnnggg uppppp~!!! & YES, ITS MEEEHHHXD This month I've pampered myself with toooo much new buys. Bought clothes from U.S blogshop, H&;M , U-KISS ring,TWO new portable speakers(for dance purposes): JBL & Valore , accessories aaaaannnnndddd a new hair colour! And this all gifts for myself. HAH. I suck at saving up money ><

ANYWAYS, decided to visit Shunji Matsuo by Lily Xu again, to dye a new hair colour. Why did I go to a salon? Wellll, i want to get rid of my bleached fringe and dip-dye. One of my resolutions was to keep bleaching OFF-LIMITS. JYEAH. 



So here's the deal. I wanted to dye my hair brown but a brown that is rare to find outside. I told the hairstylist, Lawrence, that I want to dye brownish-orange but I also told him I want to get rid of the bleached parts. Then he told me that in order to get rid of bleached hair I should dye a darker colour. If I  dyed a lighter colour, my bleached parts will still can be seen. He suggested I should dye a dark colour, bury the bleached parts and then after 1-2months , when the dye starts to fade off, only then I can dye a lighter shade. Well, it was logical and reasonable, so I decided to follow his suggestion. My hair colour is MATT BROWN; he mixed two different Matt brown and.......

TADAA!! It came out like this. 
My fringe ends are grey in colour because of the previous bleaching. I still had red shades from my previous DIY dye with Loreal Excellence. It didn't really bother me much because it still looks nice and it kinda blends in(except for my lower part of my hair as its much darker). 

This wasn't the hair colour that I wanted to achieve but I shall wait for the colour to fade off
and see what I can do about it. Its either I go back to the salon and dye or DIY with Loreal Excellence Intense Copper Brown. 

My friend, Idah, accompanied me for 2hrs++. Awwww, thanks Mom Idah :") 


I don't look like anything special, right right RIIIGHTTT???XP
Haiiisssss, now I look like any common girl with common hair colour out there. HAISSSS. 



Second part of this post:
I realised that my fringe is super duper long so I decided to trim it myself~~ WHOOO. Since I had no plans and will be rotting at home, might as well do some cutting~~
As you can see from my previous pictures(scroll up), my fringe is damn long. Its wayyy over my chin.

Trimmed and layered my fringe~~ YAYY

VALORE speaker. Love love love the LED Light^~^

I don't trust salons to cut my fringe. It ALWAYS ended up shitty== So, instead of spending money just to cut your fringe, might as well cut it the way YOU like at YOUR own risk. 

Thank goodness I didn't make any mistake and cut it just the way I wanted.. Phewww..

Wanted to vlog on how I cut my fringe but I wasn't feeling up to it to edit the video. Meh~~ Maybe next timeXP

See ya all on my next post~!