Monday, May 28, 2018

Yay or Nay? : XZ2 Compact Unboxing and First-Thoughts

Recently, my phone broke down on me and you know what that means:
It's time for a new phone! Y-a-y!

....except for I'm not that excited. At all.

Back when I was still a naive teenage girl, I just love to get the newest things(as we all do at
one point of our life), so I'll always change my phone with every opportunity I can get. But as they all say, as we get older, we get wiser; and by then you know the hard truth that  its actually troublesome to keep on changing phones especially when it comes to backing up your datas. Even if I did back it all up, it'll be inevitable that some files just mysteriously disappear.

Ok enough of ranting.

So what I've decided to get is the newest Sony mobile release: the little mighty XZ2 Compact.

Before I came to the final decision to buy this phone, I did an exhaustive research on most of the phones out there in the market. And it's true that they're other great phones released at the
same time as Sony's so it was quite a tough choice.

Bottom line: This ain't sponsorship(I wish).

Let me just take you guys to my requirements to having a phone:

1. Uniqueness
Look, we all can agree that pretty much phones these days look all too similar. Its really to the point
that within a distance range of 1 metre from you, it seems everyone has the same phone. And same
goes for mainstream phones(not that they're bad, but just overrated). It irks me a bit because I'm not
the type that goes with the crowd.

2. Compact
Yes yes, with this requirement, it pretty much narrow down my list. Why compact? My hands are relatively small. And I prefer one hand operation. Also, it seems that the phone industries are trying to eliminate 5inch screens. Like seriously. You can hardly find any these days. Even Sony named their 5inch screen phone compact. Back in the days, 5inch was THE NORM.
We have to face reality; phones are just gonna get bigger. And while the compact ones are still alive, I'll take it.

3. Longevity
Long lasting phone is all I need. Not the battery. The phone itself. Don't you just hate it when your phone just so suddenly breaks down on you after just 1-2 years of usage? And did I mention-
its troublesome to change phones?

4. Durability
A good and sturdy phone is the best. I won't go for glass that can potentially crack if I drop my phone. But there is a glass that is resistant to dust, cracks and even scratches: The Gorilla Glass. Its true to the name. I'll buy any phone with the Gorilla Glass anytime(so that I won't have to buy a screen protector).And not forgetting waterproof - so I can use it in the rain.

5. Camera
I ain't a photographer but everyone wants to be a wannabe when it comes to taking instagrammable pictures right? Or simply when your pet cat is getting ready to do a rare somersault and you just have to take it right then? Can't help it. It doesn't have to be the best system out there but as long as it can take HQ photos and HD videos, I'm good.

6. No Overheating Issues
This one could have gone under 'Durability' but the reason I singled this out - because it means a lot to me. Like A LOT. I had serious overheating issues with my previous phone - I couldn't record over 5 -10 mins videos, couldn't do video streaming for a long time etc. It was hell.

Now, let's unravel the box:

Ah, nothing like a fresh bread popping out from the oven~ 
I chose their White Silver. Just for your info, I'm not a fan of any bright colours, but damn, Sony is really skilled when it comes to colours.
This is not your ordinary white, it gives off the greyish metallic look. Really pleasing to the eyes. This is the first time I've ever thought white is pretty sexy-looking.
 And of course their warranty. Your usual 12 months warranty with an addition 3 months if you register it online. This card really comes in handy because usually I'm at loss when it
comes to warranty. 
...except for the link they provided didn't work. 
Alternately, just visit their website and search for the warranty page. Done.
Type C Audio Adapter
Sony has not only decided to give up their rectangular, boxy look on the phone, but  as well as their 3.5mm jack on the phone. Why? I don't know. For good reasons I hope. I'm actually cool with it. 
And why is that?
Let's face it; we're all entering the wireless age: Wireless charging, more and more wireless earphones, wireless headphones etc. Its absolute bananas in the tech industry right now. I bet in the future all the other brands will just go with the growing trend. So guys, accept it. If not, solve it. 

 Type C Cable - YASS!
I think whoever invented this is a lifesaver. Because no more wrong-side-micro-USB-forceful-insertion-and-potentially-destroying-the-inside !! 

3 Plugin pin - Singapore's
I have to admit it, I find it cool that you have to push the mid-pin upwards. 

And of course, they were still kind enough to include their earphones.
...but most probably I won't be using it.  

So - here comes the main character. I'm not going into its specifications because this is not what this post is about. I'm just gonna share my first impressions on this phone - into 4 categories.

1. Design:
I love this design more than the XZ1. XZ1 was a bit too rectangular for me. This phone sits perfectly on my palm, really has a nice feel and grip.
I think it was pretty obvious that Sony was planning to ditch their traditional boxy look ever since they released their first Xperia phone line- which was actually my previous phone.
XZ2 Compact(left), Xperia X(right)
Pretty similar in design, aren't they? 
Afterwards, they went back to the boxy look for XZ1 and then..
Sony: "Oh whatever, let's just go with the original plan" . 
...and that's how XZ2 was born. 
Anyways, putting them side by side like this, the XZ2 compact sure is small. 
Both have 5 inch screens by the way, just that their ratios are different.

I really have to disagree that the phone is "thick". I mean - sure if you compare this to other phones out there now, its quite thick but Sony putting a curve back on the XZ2 compact was a really smart move. I didn't had any discomfort while holding it. 

 Another thing that changed from the Xperia X , was the placing of the fingerprint sensor. To be honest, I prefer the one on Xperia X - which was on the power button at the side. Its more convenient for me to unlock the phone especially when I don't want to pick up my phone.
But other than that, the placing for the fingerprint sensor on the XZ2 compact wasn't so low unlike its big brother(XZ2), which was too low for my comfort.

2. Weight: 
And yet again, people are complaining on the weight of the phone. Yes, it weighs 168g and yes, its heavier than the average phone on the market but guys, lets step back for awhile. Its ONLY 168g, your hand is not going to fall off (and even if it did, you need to put your phone down my friend).
I know most people desire for light-feather phones so you won't feel it in your hands or pockets but practically speaking, I rather feel my phone in the pocket or else I'm gonna get panic attack.

3. Screen Resolution:

 Hurray to 1080p resolution! 
Previously, Sony was sticking to 720p for most of their phones but this time its Full HD. 

 Their pre-installed apps are just one page worth. 
(Well, they kinda cheated under the 'google' folder- I see what you did there)

4. Pricing:
And yet again, people actually complained that the phone is too expensive. Really now?
This is their flagship phone. And for a flagship running on the latest snapdragon, 4K HDR video recording etc, to cost SGD $798 sounds pretty reasonable to me. There are rarely any flagship phones with that price.   

So, is this phone worth of your buy? 
No idea. 
I was pretty much on a fence myself whether I should get it...

..BUT their current promotions sure did give me the push to buy it!

Currently Sony is having their Sony Days 2018 till 1st July.  Basically its their storewide mid year promotion. 
Like for the XZ2 Compact, they had a $100 cashback(price drop to $698) + a free gift(while stock lasts)!

And I actually got that free gift. 

 The SmartBand 2
Look, I don't have the slightest idea what this was until the salesperson actually explained it to me. 

Pretty much something you wear it on your wrist and connect to your iOS running on 8.2 and above or on android 4.4 and above.But you'll have to download their app to make it work. 
Features: Monitor your heart rate whether you're awake or asleep. Vibrating notification alerts . Waterproof. That's it I guess.

 Micro USB for charging, NFC and Bluetooth for phone connection.

 What's in the box: Cable, rubber strap, and the chip to monitor you.

Since its a free gift, there's no choice of colour; or more like they only had the white ones left. 
Do you see that sporty man in that picture? 
This is obviously targeted to sporty people, and DEFINITELY not meant for an indoor, shut-in person - like me.  
Meh, I probably won't be using it. I see it as 'interesting' but not practical enough for me. I might use it when I go to sleep though (because I'm kinda curious whether my heart actually races when I dream). Lol.

I won't go into any further details on the SmartBand 2 - because I can. 

Just kidding... (I just can't be bothered.)

 And that's pretty much all the first impressions I can muster up on this phone really. For performance wise(camera, speakers, battery etc), definitely need a separate post for it.

In the meanwhile, stop whining and go get the phone.

Or you can just watch this space for the other bit.(That'll probably be about 1 month's wait though)

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