Monday, April 10, 2017

I Dare You To Hire Me

This post might be abit more of a rant but I want to have a little say to the society.

So, I've been searching for a new job for about one month and I've applied for many jobs throughout different platforms(mostly gumtree) and I've come to realise something.

Most  - no, if I daresay - ALL jobs that has been offered to me or being applied for rejected me (to be honest, ignored) . All of them have somewhat a common reason - either not meeting their qualifications or experience. Before I move on, let me talk more about myself.

I'm officially 21 this year and my last education was when I was in secondary school - 5 years ago - and I didn't continue my studies . I didn't do well in my 'O' Levels and I can hardly get into poly. I felt it would be a waste of time & money to retake 'O' Levels and I didn't enjoy school life anyways, so I decided to dive straight to the working world. I've done countless of jobs - retail, admin, tutoring, ad-hoc etc - in hopes to find the job just for me. Most of the jobs that I've done were for a shortwhile(about less than 1 year), because I would like to build up my experience.
I AM a person driven by money(don't you have the tendency to look at their salary offer before applying?) but I'm more inclined to loving the job - because no matter how high the pay you offer me, if I have no interest in the job, I won't stay. The jobs that I've done so far didn't spark any great passion in me.

I'm always in search for companies that are willing to hire people like me - not so much qualification, not so much experience - not so attractive in any way; to take under their wings and give me a chance. Even I know it will be a big risk for them if I don't do well. But y'know, companies like that are really admirable in my opinion. Because they don't judge you base on resume, they judge you during the intervew itself. Rare cases, they would they take you in anyway because they want to know more about you and how far are your capabilities.

I did think about going back to school or take up courses to level up myself but...being at this age, asking my parents to pay for my school is an utter disgrace and I don't have savings to pay for myself ... so I gave that idea up, and decided to stick with the job hunt. And did I mention - I don't like school?

Currently I'm in search of a job that will allow me to work from home or half-day jobs. I thought finding a part time would be easier to find - but I am oh-so-wrong! Its really frustrating to be rejected - ignored - again and again; day by day.

Y'know what'll happen to the ladies like me who can't find a job in the end? They'll consider marriage. That's the only thing they can come up with to ensure their own survival. I did consider it. I think marriage is a wonderful thing but in order to get married, I need encounters and the right attitude. I would certainly hate it to marry someone because of their money. I think marriages like that won't really last long..  More than depending on the man, I want to have my own savings, my own finance so that I can at least be filial to my parents.

So I would like to make an appeal - okay, more like a say -  to employers out there:
Truly I don't have the looks, qualifications/certificate and experience in whatever you're searching for, but  just to let you know, I'm eager to gain experiences . I want to learn new things- skills that is beneficial for me and the people. Sure, there is a possibilty that I won't stay for long BUT there is a way to make me stay; give me the motivation and the absolute reason why should I . I'm reminded about a company that I used to work for. Even though I had 0 experience, they hired me as the manager of their first bakery store in Singapore. I would like to argue- it was more like a supervisor position disguise by the title 'manager' . I didn't know what I'm suppose to do but they taught me the things that I need to know about the shop and they left everything else with me. I was motivated because I thought I am in charge - and I'm not gonna lie - it feels awesome to be in-charge. No one to outright bully you. Of course, I didn't use that chance to bully my fellow colleagues because most of them are around my age . I guess they didn't feel the vibe coming from me as a manager and I do feel that my colleagues are pretty much more talented than me. I wasn't arrogant and consulted them on how to operate the shop. Yeah, we were like a team. I did encounter irresponsible ones, people who doesn't follow the rules etc. It made me realise its not that easy to manage people. But guess who turns out not to be so responsible? It was the CEOs. They seriously just left to my own device without giving me enough informations/guidelines or whatsoever. For example, when we had a promotion going on, I wasn't even inform of it. The embarassment my colleagues and I had to face when customers came to us to make redemptions. I would have stayed if it weren't for their lack of responsibility and it wasn't solely because of that; I had also lost motivation. The CEOs were so laid back about the shop and my welfare that I find it boring to work any longer.

But thanks to them, I found a good point about myself - I'm a person who works great independently and love to work and interact with people. While I was doing the job, I was faced with 'What should I do?' and 'How does this work?' questions. Thank God, I managed to learn things by my own way with my own little research and experiments. Somehow, I managed to mend the shop. My way of learning is through experiences - again and again - going over the same challenges or being faced with new ones. I'm not afraid of making mistakes - I'm afraid of not being worthy of the job.

My question is: Will there be anyone willing to give me new experiences? Will you give me at least a chance to see whether I have what it takes? If it's something I don't know, it can be learn.

With this I wish to conclude- with my due respect- I dare you to hire me.

Disclaimer : Not all companies are like what I stated. I just think its a common thing in the society. I hope that more unique companies would arise and let those who couldn't get a chance, be given a chance.

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